Annapolis Chapter Bylaws



The name of this organization shall be the Annapolis Chapter of the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, hereafter called the “Chapter”.

ARTICLE II — Recognition

The Chapter is recognized by the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, hereafter called the “Association”.

ARTICLE III – Aims The aims of the Chapter are as follows:

  • To foster the interests of our country, the Naval Service and the U. S. Naval
  • To perpetuate the friendships and associations formed by the members through their common experience and interest in the Naval Academy and the Naval Service, and to promote camaraderie among the Naval Academy alumni.
  • To interest and guide young men and women who desire a naval career and who give promise to being a credit to the Naval Service.

These aims are entirely patriotic, fraternal and philanthropic, and are not for the private financial advantage of the Chapter or any member.

ARTICLE IV – Membership

  1. Any person who has been sworn in as a Midshipman for the full and regular course prescribed by the Academic Board for his class at the Naval Academy shall be eligible for regular membership in the Chapter upon graduation of that person’s class.
  2. In addition to those eligible for regular membership as above provided, any commissioned officer (regular or reserve) (active or retired) of the Armed Forces of the United States residing in the vicinity of Annapolis, and any member (active or retired) of the civilian faculty of the U. S. Naval Academy, or spouses or widows of those eligible for regular membership and associate membership shall be eligible for associate membership in the They will have all the rights and privileges of the Chapter’s regular membership except those of voting and holding office.
  3. Individuals who have rendered outstanding and conspicuous service to the Naval Service or the Naval Academy shall be eligible for honorary membership. They may be nominated when their names are submitted to the Council by any regular member and, when nominated by that body, may be elected by majority vote of all regular members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Chapter. They will have all rights and privileges of the Chapter except those of voting and holding office.


  1. An eligible person may become a regular or associate member by payment of dues.  No dues shall be attached to an honorary membership.


  1. 5.  Membership (regular, associate or honorary) may be denied or divested by: (i) a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Council in any meeting called pursuant to these Bylaws; (ii) termination from the armed services of the United States under conditions other than honorable; or (iii) conviction of a felony under the laws of the United States, a State or Territory of the United States, or a foreign country, when, in the Council’s opinion and upon reviewing the evidence, continued membership would reflect discredit on the Chapter or any of its Members.


  1. A person divested of membership under the provisions of Paragraph 5 under this Article shall be so notified by the Secretary within thirty (30) days of the date of the Council’s action.  A loss of membership occasioned by the action of the Council may be appealed to the Members of the Chapter at the next Chapter meeting following the Chapter’s decision to terminate such membership.  The regular Chapter Members present at the meeting shall be apprised of the circumstances upon which the Council based such decision, and upon hearing any new evidence in the matter and upon a motion duly made and seconded, the action of the Council may be reversed by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the regular Members present.  In the event the Board’s action is reversed as provided above, such Members shall be reinstated without prejudice to all rights that he or she had prior to the Council’s adverse decision.

ARTICLE V .Management

  1. The business, property and funds of the Chapter shall be managed by and controlled by a council composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer who are members ex officio, and eight other elected members. The same person may be elected to fill the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. Any six council members, one of whom shall be the President or Vice-President, will constitute a quorum to transact ordinary business.
  3. The Council shall fill any vacancies that occur in its membership, except the President (see Article VI (2)) from eligible members of the Chapter to serve until the next regular
  4. The Council shall decide questions by a majority vote of those present. In case of a tie vote the presiding officer’s vote shall be the deciding one.
  5. The meetings of the Council and Chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the rules contained in “Roberts Rules of Order Revised” except where inconsistent with these By-

ARTICLE VI— Duties of Officers

  1. The President shall preside at meetings of the Chapter. The President shall appoint standing committees to carry out the aims of the Chapter, nominating committees and any special committees that may be required.
  2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during absences, and such other duties as may be assigned. In case the President is unable to complete a term, the Vice-President shall become President and shall appoint a member of the Council to the office of Vice-President.
  3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the names and addresses of all members of the He/she shall keep a record of all meetings of the Chapter and the Council and shall prepare and preserve the minutes and notices of all such meetings. He/she shall have such authority in transacting the business of the Chapter as shall be granted by the Council.
  4. The Treasurer shall receive all dues, fees, gifts, gifts and other funds of the Chapter and expend them, invest them for safekeeping as directed by the Council. He/she shall prepare and present for audit an annual statement of receipts and expenditures as of 30 June and at any other time required by the Council.



  1. The Chapter shall meet regularly once each calendar month except June, July and August. Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of a majority

of the Council.

  1. Twenty percent (20%) of the paid-up regular membership shall constitute a quorum.


  1. The names of candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and seven elected Council members will be presented to the members of the Chapter at the regular April meeting for election.
  2. Names of candidates who agree to serve may be suggested by any regular member in writing to the nominating committee. The Secretary shall send a list of all candidates nominated to all regular members prior to the election.
  3. All terms of office will be for two years from July 1 of the year in which elected. Incumbents may be re-elected.
  4. Elections for contested offices will be by a majority vote of members present and voting. Voting for contested offices will be by secret ballot. Each regular member present will be entitled to one vote. No proxies will be allowed. Uncontested nominee’s slates may be elected by voice vote or acclamation.

ARTICLE IX – Dues. Expenditures and Gifts


  1. An individual’s membership year (whether regular or associate) shall begin on the date that the member paid his or her dues; and annual dues are payable at the beginning of each membership year (i.e., the anniversary date of when the member first paid dues).  The annual dues shall be set by the Council.
  2. The Council is authorized to accept gifts for the purposes within the aims of the Chapter.
  3. The Council may authorize expenditures up to $500 for any one project from the funds of the Chapter for the aims and administration of the Chapter. Authority for major expenditures must be voted on at regular or special meetings called under Article VII.
  4. The officers, the Council, or the Chapter, shall not, under any circumstances, obligate the Chapter to make any expenditure of expenditures in excess of the funds available in the Chapter’s treasury.


In the event of dissolution of this Chapter, funds in the treasury, after all obligations are paid, shall be paid to the U. S. Naval Academy Alumni Association (a non-proflt organization) as a donation to the endowment fund.

ARTICLE XI— Amendments

Any amendment to these By-Laws may be proposed by any member at any meeting of the Chapter. If approved by a majority vote of the members present and voting at said meeting, the proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to all members by the Secretary prior to the next regular meeting. If said amendment is then approved by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at the next regular meeting (regardless of quorum considerations), it shall thereupon become effective as a part of these By-Laws.